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Twilight session

Time: 6:15 to 7:40pm, Wednesday 16 November
Location: Online

Session 1: Playful parenting, Marianne Mannello, Play Wales

Having the chance to play is an important part of a happy and healthy childhood for every child. Parents and carers are important supporters of play for children.

Professionals who have contact with parents, families and parents’ groups, are in a good position to share information about play and to help guide them to the information that most meets their needs at that time.

Playful Childhoods, a Play Wales campaign, aims to help parents and carers give children time, space and support to play at home and in their community.

This presentation introduces the Playful Childhoods website and its wide range of helpful hints and top tips for parents.

Session 2: Supporting you with workforce well-being – Kate Newman, Social Care Wales.

At work, am I good at taking the time to do things that will make me feel and do things better?

During this session you will consider your answer to the question above and hear about what these ‘things’ - namely, evidenced based practices to support workplace well-being – are.

We will explore how we can start to make them part of our way of working to benefit us as individuals and our teams.

Before the session you may want to look at our well-being framework here.

You're also welcome to attend our 'Your well-being matters' network, Warm Wales information session on 11 November, between 11.30am and 12.30pm.

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