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Hearings coming up

Details of forthcoming hearings will appear here seven days before the hearing is due to take place.

People working in social care, the press and the public can observe public Fitness to Practise Panel final hearings. Some hearings are held in private if there is evidence being considered that shouldn’t be made public. Only the outcomes of these hearings will be made public.

If you would like to observe a hearing, contact us on 02920 780640 or by emailing hearings@socialcare.wales.

If you are observing a hearing, bear in mind:

  • all hearings are held via Zoom. You will need access to a device with internet to observe the hearing. We will send you the Zoom link when you confirm your attendance
  • please log on at least 15 minutes before the hearing is due to start to avoid any delays to the hearing
  • if you log in after the hearing has started, you will not be able to join the hearing until a break is called
  • as an observer, you will not be able to take part in the hearing and you will be asked to keep your mic on mute
  • if you disrupt the hearing in any way, the chair may ask you to leave the hearing or we may remove you
  • hearings may be cancelled or postponed at short notice – we will let you know if this happens
  • hearings are held in public, but we and the registered person can ask that all or part of a hearing is held in private. The Panel will consider these requests on the day of the hearing. If all or any part of a hearing is held in private, you will not be able to observe it.

No hearings coming up…