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Work placement guide

Experience of work in health, social care, playwork, early years and childcare services is crucial to bridge the gap between education or training and the world of work. At its best, it can open people’s eyes to jobs they had never thought of, inform career decisions and provide valuable experience for job applications and entry to higher education. Here is guidance for employers, learning providers and learners on work placements.

  • Employers

    Guidance and support for those who may offer work placement opportunities, including childminders.

    • Work placement guide
  • Learning providers

    Guidance and support for agencies seeking to place a learner in a work placement.

    • Work placement guide
  • Learners

    Guidance and support for individuals undertaking a work placement opportunity.

    • Work placement guide
  • Resources

    Animated digital resource, templates for checklists, work placement agreements and reflective logs to support work placements.

    • Work placement guide
  • Supporting learner placements during Covid-19

    Guidance on how to support early years and childcare settings to place learners during Covid-19.

    • Work placement guide