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Early years and childcare conference

Join us at the virtual early years and childcare conference on Wednesday, 9 November between 9:30am and 1:15pm.

The conference

The conference marks the start of our week-long festival of lifelong learning.

Our theme is strengthening and championing learning within the early years and childcare workforce.

The conference will be opened by our chief executive Sue Evans, followed by a speech from Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Social Services.

We will hear from guest speakers and there will also be question and answer sessions, panel discussions and breakout sessions where you can network with others.

The conference is open to anyone working in childcare and early years, including tutors, local authorities and learners.

There will be simultaneous Welsh/English translation and British Sign Language/English interpreters at the event.

Conference programme

9:30am: Conference begins

9:45am: Welcome and housekeeping, Sarah McCarty, Director of Improvement and Development, Social Care Wales

9:55am: Conference opening remarks, Sue Evans, Chief Executive, Social Care Wales

10:05am: Deputy Minister’s Speech, Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Social Services

10:15am: Rocio Cifuentes MBE, Children’s Commissioner for Wales

"A Children’s Rights Approach: Early Years and non-maintained nursery settings"

10:40am: Question and answer session with Rocio Cifuentes

10:45am: Break (15 minutes)

11am: Chantelle Haughton, Diversity and Anti-racist Professional Learning project director

"DARPL (Diversity and Anti-Racist Professional Learning) - The State of Play; What Do We Care? Ceilings and Opportunities!"

11:25am: Question and answer session with Chantelle Haughton

11:30am: Networking in break out rooms

11:45am: Panel discussion with:

  • Jonathan Cooper, Assistant Director, Estyn
  • Kevin Barker, Head of Inspection – Childcare and Play Inspection, Care Inspectorate Wales
  • Helen Williams, Head of training, learning and development, Mudiad Meithrin.

12:15pm: Break (10 minutes)

12:25pm: Glenda Tinney, University of Wales Trinity St David

"Routes and flexible approaches into continuing learning for early years workers"

12:45pm: Question and answer session with Glenda Tinney

12:50pm: Networking in break out rooms

1:05pm: Closing remarks, Sarah McCarty, Director of Improvement and Development, Social Care Wales

1:15pm: Conference closes

The conference programme may be changed due to circumstances beyond our control.

Guest speakers and panellists

Guest speakers

  • Rocio Cifuentes MBE, Children’s Commissioner for Wales
  • Chantelle Haughton, Diversity and anti-racist professional
  • Glenda Tinney, University of Wales Trinity St David


  • Jonathan Cooper, Assistant Director, Estyn
  • Kevin Barker, Head of Inspection – Childcare and Play Inspection, Care Inspectorate Wales
  • Helen Williams, Head of training, learning and development, Mudiad Meithrin.

Read more about our guest speakers and panellists.

The conference takes place as part of our week-long festival of lifelong learning. Book your place using the link below.

Register now

Register for the festival of lifelong learning