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Safeguarding training

There's a wide range of topic areas to support learning and understanding of safeguarding for people working in social care at all levels.

Safeguarding e-learning

This bilingual e-learning package gives learners a practical understanding of safeguarding. We developed it in line with the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.

The e-learning module is mainly aimed at those working in the public and voluntary sectors. This includes those looking to work in social care, early years and childcare, as well as in health, the emergency services and local councils.

Completing the new bilingual training module will enable everyone to:

  • explain the term 'safeguarding'
  • recognise abuse or the risk of abuse, harm, or neglect
  • know what actions to take if they witness or suspect abuse, harm, or neglect, or if someone tells them they are being abused
  • demonstrate a basic understanding of the laws concerning safeguarding
  • recognise that they have a duty to report abuse, harm, or neglect.

2020 All Wales Basic Safeguarding Awareness Wales Pack

The pack aims to provide a consistent message of safeguarding responsibilities across Wales allowing those who deliver safeguarding training to tailor the delivery of the training depending on learner needs.

The content has evolved to reflect both the changing nature of safeguarding but also to give clear direction of the work under the Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014.

For further information, please refer to the Wales Safeguarding Procedures and the Part 7 statutory guidance in the training.

The All Wales Basic Safeguarding Awareness Pack is recognised as Group B Safeguarding Training.

The ‘Safeguarding Individuals’ workbook – workbook 6 from the All Wales Induction Framework should be used to evidence learning achieved.

All Wales Basic Safeguarding Awareness Wales Pack: resources

Resources provided for trainers and learners to help them prepare to deliver training and support accreditation.

Resources to support interactive learning which will require some trainer preparation before delivery of training.

All Wales Basic Safeguarding Awareness Wales Pack: training materials

Training resources to help learners and support their knowledge.

All Wales Basic Safeguarding Awareness Wales Pack: practice reviews

For deeper exploration of safeguarding issues as found in a selection of major cases trainers can select which to use. It does include sensitive content so we advise caution.