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Memorable principles

Safeguarding learning and development standards: memorable principles

For everyone

  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility

Group A

  • I know what the term safeguarding means
  • I know what to look out for
  • I know who to report to

Group B

  • I am a key part of the safeguarding process
  • I know when, how and who to report to
  • I will make sure the individual’s voice is heard

Group C

  • I understand that voice and control of people is key to decision making – child/person-centred practice
  • I understand everyone’s roles and responsibilities in the safeguarding process
  • I show the ability to make clear and proportionate decisions

Group D

  • I will lead the organisation’s safeguarding agenda
  • I will make sure that people’s voices are heard at each stage of the process
  • I will use my knowledge and expertise to enhance safeguarding practice

Group E

  • I have strategic oversight on all safeguarding matters within the organisation
  • I will aim to ensure that we have sufficient resources to meet the organisation’s safeguarding duties
  • I will use my knowledge and influence to improve safeguarding practice regionally and nationally

Group F

  • I provide leadership that embraces safeguarding in the public sector and promotes multi-agency working at all times
  • I understand the core elements of safeguarding and why this is an important area
  • I will be guided and provided with assurance by Group E practitioners on areas of concern