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Regulations are secondary legislation to be used where more detail or prescription is needed in implementing an Act.

Below you'll find a list of regulations made under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. Each regulation is hyperlinked to its relevant documents.

Unless stated otherwise, the regulations came into force on 6 April 2016.

Part 2 – General Functions

Download the guidance associated with these regulations

Part 3 – Assessing the Needs of Individuals

Part 4 – Meeting Needs

Part 5 – Charging and Financial Assessment

Part 6 – Looked After and Accommodated Children

Part 7 – Safeguarding

Part 8 - Social Services Functions

These regulations set out the requirements for Annual Reports that local authorities must complete in respect of their social services functions. The regulations came into force on 4 September 2017.

Download the guidance associated with these Regulations.

Download the template associated with these Regulations.

Part 9 – Co-operation and Partnership

Part 10 - Complaints, Representations and Advocacy Services

Part 11 – Miscellaneous and General

Related regulations

These regulations make amendments to the Special Guardianship (Wales) Regulations 2005 in respect of matters to be included in local authority reports to the court and provisions of special guardianship support services to former looked after children living in another local authority area. They came into force on 2 July 2018, along with a new code of practice.

Consequential regulations

These regulations amend primary legislation that currently underpins the provision of care and support for people, and support for carers, in Wales.

These regulations make further minor amendments to primary legislation.

Commencement Order

This order was signed by the Minister for Health and Social Services on 19 March 2016 and brought the Act into force on 6 April 2016.