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Improving lives through storytelling

This webpage is in development. We will be working with others to further develop practical resources and guidance to help you:

  • gather your own stories, including advice on consent
  • identify and share the key messages from those stories
  • use the stories to stimulate discussion and learning around them through participatory techniques
  • evaluate the effect of that learning on your own practice
  • share and celebrate the work you have done with others.

To be kept up to date or to get involved with the work, please contact Rebecca Cicero on rebecca.cicero@socialcare.wales

This resource is aimed at helping practitioners learn from the positive changes people have experienced since the introduction of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. Stories can be an effective way of sharing how different ways of working have had a positive impact on the lives of people using care and support and the practitioners working with them.

This work is a partnership between Social Care Wales, Welsh NHS Confederation, the Association of Directors of Social Services (Cymru) and the Welsh Local Government Association.

The stories on these pages all demonstrate good practice linked to one or more of the four main principles of the Act. These are:

  • People - putting the individual at the centre by giving them a stronger voice and control over services they receive
  • Well-being - supporting people to achieve their own well-being, building on a person’s circumstances, capabilities, networks and communities
  • Earlier intervention - more preventative services. Supporting people before their needs become critical
  • Working together – stronger partnership working between all parties involved.

We’ve created a short resource pack to help practitioners understand the key messages from the stories: how the situation links to the Act and questions to help practitioners reflect on learning that can be applied in their own practice.

We’re keen to hear and share as many stories as possible, good or bad. If you would like to share your story and work with us, please contact rebecca.cicero@socialcare.wales

Debbie and Elaine's story

Debbie and Elaine's story

Alec's story

Alec's story

More information about how to set-up and run a Community of Enquiry. This is a workshop-style session that offers space for a group of people to collaboratively explore ideas and ask rich and meaningful questions of each other.

The role of personal storytelling in practice. A report from IRISS (the Institution for Research and Innovation in Social Services)