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Social Work
The following standards were revised in 2011. The consultation exercise in Wales included people who use services, carers, employers, practitioners, government officials, representatives from further and higher education and from professional bodies.

NOS have numerous uses in the workplace or in the development of the individual. These include defining roles at work, staff recruitment, supervision and appraisal, identifying training or Continuing Professional Development (CPD) needs, and staff planning. They help maintain high quality social care services.

NOS are also a valuable tool to be used as benchmarks for qualifications and the social work degree is based upon the NOS for Social Work.


    Functional map

    Key role 1 - Maintain professional accountability

    Key role 2 - Practise professional social work

    Key role 3 - Promote engagement and participation

    Key role 4 - Assess needs, risks and circumstances

    Key role 5 - Plan for person centred outcomes

    Key role 6 - Take actions to achieve change