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Health and Social Care and Leadership and Management of Care Service
These standards have been developed specifically for those working in leading and health and social care services across the UK.

For ease of use, the standards within these suites have been grouped into functional areas with links to examples of how they can be used as an effective tool for individuals, managers and organisations.


    Safeguarding and well-being adults

    Safeguarding and well-being children and young people

    Assessment and planning for Adults

    Child development assessment and planning

    Support for daily living for adults in health and social care

    Preparing children and young people for independent living

    Communication in health and social care

    Support for health care for adults in health and social care

    End of life care in health and social care

    Shared lives adult placement in health and social care

    Foster care in health and social care

    Self directed support for adults in health and social care

    Mental health in health and social care

    Substance misuse in health and social care

    Working in partnership with families and carers in health and social care

    Working in partnership with other professionals in health and social care

    Working with volunteers in health and social care

    Working with groups and networks in health and social care

    Commissioning procurement and tendering in health and social care

    Health and safety in health and social care

    Developing practice in health and social care

    Leading and managing practice and provision that achieves positive outcomes in health and social care

    Leading and managing strategy, policy, finance provision in health and social care