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Commissioning, Procurement and Contracting
These standards have a specific focus on commissioning activities within the context of social care, including joint activities with partners such as health service commissioners.

They have numerous uses in the workplace or in the development of the workforce. These include;

  • defining roles at work
  • staff recruitment
  • supervision and appraisal
  • benchmarks for qualifications
  • identifying, developing or commissioning training
  • identifying Continuing Professional Development (CPD) needs
  • staff planning.


    Prepare - Engagement with individuals and other stakeholders

    Prepare - Governance and management

    Prepare - Project management

    Prepare - Knowledge and skills training

    Analyse - Establish outcomes and priorities

    Analyse - Develop options

    Plan - Strategy and policy

    Plan - Work in partnership

    Secure services - Develop the market

    Secure services - Service procurement and contracting

    Review - Manage and monitor contracts

    Review - Review and evaluate commissioning activity