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New online safeguarding training launched today

New online safeguarding training launched today

| Social Care Wales

New online training goes ‘live’ today to help people across Wales spot the signs of abuse, harm or neglect of children or adults.

The bilingual e-learning package will give learners a practical understanding of safeguarding and has been developed by Social Care Wales in line with the Wales Safeguarding Procedures, launched in 2019.

It is the first of a series of online training resources that we will be developing on different topics.

Launched as part of National Safeguarding Week 2021, the e-learning module is mainly aimed at those working in the public and voluntary sectors. This includes those looking to work in social care, early years and childcare, as well as in health, the emergency services and local councils.

Sue Evans, Chief Executive of Social Care Wales, said: “Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Whatever role you are employed in, we all have a duty to recognise signs of abuse, harm or neglect and take action to protect children or adults who are at risk.

“Safeguarding training is mandatory for most staff working in social care and early years and childcare, as well as other roles in the public and voluntary sectors. However, this is about more than just completing the course. It is about each of us being able to support and protect the most vulnerable.

“The pandemic has underlined the importance of increasing options for workers and potential recruits to undertake online training, giving them greater flexibility for when and where they can learn.

“That’s why we have been working with partners to develop a series of e-learning packages on different topics. In the case of the safeguarding training, that has been developed with the Wales Safeguarding Procedures Board and representatives from a wide range of statutory and third sector agencies.

“The next online training will include e-learning to help increase knowledge of digital working among care workers and infection prevention and control. We expect both to be available within the next few months,” added Sue.

The new bilingual training module will enable everyone to:

  • explain the term 'safeguarding'
  • recognise abuse or the risk of abuse, harm, or neglect
  • know what actions to take if they witness or suspect abuse, harm, or neglect, or if someone tells them they are being abused
  • demonstrate a basic understanding of the laws concerning safeguarding
  • recognise that they have a duty to report abuse, harm, or neglect.

This module contains 13 sections and includes scenario questions to help users build a practical understanding of safeguarding and what action to take if they think someone may be at risk.

The module is fully accessible. It is compatible with screen readers for those with visual impairments, uses Text Help Read and Write to help dyslexic users focus on key pieces of information, and can be navigated using the tab keys by users with mobility issues.