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Let us know how the pandemic has affected your health and well-being

Let us know how the pandemic has affected your health and well-being

| Social Care Wales

If you’re a social worker or social care worker, we’d like to hear from you to find out about the challenges you’ve faced during the Covid-19 pandemic and how you’ve coped with them.

You can share your experiences by completing a short 15-minute survey by Ulster University, which we’ve been supporting, that looks at how the pandemic is affecting the mental well-being and working life of health and social care workers in the UK.

The survey is the fourth in a series exploring the health and well-being of those working in health and social care in the UK, and the research team would like to thank everyone who took part in the earlier surveys.

The first three surveys have shown that the mental well-being and quality of working life of health and social care workers have decreased significantly since the pandemic began.

However, the results of the third survey in spring/summer 2021 showed a slight increase in workers’ mental well-being and quality of working life since the second survey in the winter of 2020-21.

The information gathered by the surveys will be used to form good practice recommendations for managers, employers and regulators about how best to support the workforce, during and after the pandemic.

Take part in the survey and find out more about the project.