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Five reasons why you should enter the 2022 Accolades

Five reasons why you should enter the 2022 Accolades

| Social Care Wales

There are just two weeks left to enter the 2022 Accolades, the awards that recognise, celebrate and share notable work in social work, social care and childcare, play and early years in Wales.

If you haven’t got your entry in yet – here’s five reasons why you should apply for an Accolade or nominate a care worker for an award.

1. Recognising your achievements

There’s lots of excellent work taking place across Wales to help some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. The Accolades are an opportunity to recognise the work you do and a chance for the social work, social care and childcare, play and early years sectors to feel proud of what they have achieved.

2. Increasing staff morale and a sense of pride

You don’t have to win an Accolade to improve staff morale and a sense of pride, but letting your team or staff members know you feel their work is worthy of entering the Accolades can be an enormous energy and morale booster.

Writing your application or nomination will also give you and your team or staff members a very clear picture of the value your work has on the community, which is sometimes easy to lose sight of until you step back and look at it objectively.

3. Sharing good practice and new ideas

Sharing your experiences and what you’ve learned can provide invaluable knowledge to others to help strengthen care and support across Wales. By entering the Accolades or nominating a care worker for an award, you are showing your commitment to sharing experiences and learning from each other.

4. Improving outcomes for people who use care and support

People work in care to help improve the lives of people who use care and support services. The Accolades recognise the hard work that takes place in communities across Wales. By celebrating and showcasing the best of this work, the Accolades can help improve care and support for everyone.

5. Enhancing the image of care

With seven categories, the Accolades provide a platform to show some of the best care and support provision for a range of people. From supporting older people to young children, promoting equality, diversity and inclusion to providing care through the medium of Welsh – the Accolades shine a light on some of the most inspiring initiatives and care workers from across Wales.

Will 2022 be your project or staff members’ chance to shine? Make sure you get your entry or nomination in for this year’s Accolades – you have until 5pm on 5 November 2021.

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