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Adult care home manager removed from the Register because of serious misconduct and a criminal conviction

Adult care home manager removed from the Register because of serious misconduct and a criminal conviction

| Social Care Wales

An adult care home manager from Flintshire has been removed from the Register of Social Care Workers after a Social Care Wales hearing found her fitness to practise was currently impaired because of serious misconduct and a criminal conviction.

The hearing was told that Faye Carter was found guilty of assault by Cheshire Magistrates’ Court in February 2021 after confessing to assaulting two people, including a police officer, in December 2020 while employed as a deputy manager in a care home.

The panel also heard that Ms Carter behaved in a threatening and abusive way towards another person because of their sexual orientation.

After considering the evidence, the panel concluded that Ms Carter’s fitness to practise was currently impaired because of her serious misconduct and criminal conviction.

Explaining its decision, the panel said: “We are concerned about the level of violence demonstrated by Ms Carter towards others. She has admitted to a series of violent outbursts against three different individuals, all of which took place in public and ended up with her being physically restrained and arrested by the police.

“We have also found that the commission of one of the offences was aggravated by a homophobic element. As a result, we cannot say with any confidence that she does not pose a risk to individuals who use services going forward.

The panel decided to remove Ms Carter from the Register, saying: “We have found that Ms Carter’s conduct was deplorable and she has shown a blatant disregard for, and serious departure from, the relevant professional standards set out in the Code of Professional Practice for Social Care.

“We have decided that confidence in the social care profession would be undermined by allowing Ms Carter to remain on the Register. We do not consider there is any other way to protect the public from the risks that Ms Carter presents due to her lack of insight and the limited prospects of remediation.”

The one-day hearing took place over Zoom on 27 September 2021.