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How to raise a concern

Anyone can raise a concern with us, as long as they provide us with the details we need to consider it further.

If you are concerned that a vulnerable child or adult may be at risk of harm

You should contact your social services department in your local authority area to report these concerns. Alternatively you can use this link Welsh Government to make your report to the regional child or adult safeguarding board.

If you want to make a complaint about a registered care service

Care Inspectorate for Wales (CIW) regulates these services. You will be able to search for the service contact details and register a concern through the Care Inspectorate Wales website.

You can also contact the registered service directly to raise your concern and they may be able to resolve the problem.

If you want to make a complaint about social services involvement with your family

Local Authority social services are responsible for assessing requirements for users of care and support and arranging for these to be provided. This may include allocating a social worker to your or your family. You should contact them directly if you have any concerns and you will be able to access their formal complaints procedure. Social Care Wales has no authority in this area.

If you are unhappy with the outcome from their complaints process you may be able to raise this with the Ombudsman for Wales. We may be able to look at elements of your complaint which the local authority has upheld.

If you want to make a protected disclosure about your employer

Social Care Wales is a designated organisation listed under The Prescribed Persons Order 2014. This means that any worker in the social care sector can make a report to us, known as ‘whistleblowing’ if they suspect there is wrongdoing in their organisation.

If you would like to speak up to us and pass on information to us concerning wrongdoing in the social care sector, contact us (FTP email/ phone number). We can ensure that you remain anonymous.

Protect are a whistleblowing charity who can provide you with advice.