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Leanne Gray
Registered role
Domiciliary care worker
Immediate order to suspend registration from 17/11/2022 pending a removal order on 15/12/2022
This was a remote hearing by Zoom
Previously Abacare
Type of hearing
Fitness to Practise panel

Decision summary

A Fitness to Practise Panel has the following proved against Leanne Gray, a registered domiciliary are worker.

Ms Gray failed to maintain an appropriate professional boundary with the husband of Individual B and in March 2020 failed to disclose prior criminal convictions (listed below) in her application for registration with Social Care Wales.

• Fraud by false representation

• Theft of money

• Being drunk and disorderly

• Assault by beating of an emergency worker

• Breaching a Suspended Sentence

• Driving a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road/in a public place without due care and attention

• Failing to stop after an accident on 26 September 2019

• Failing to report an accident on 26 September 2019

• Failing to supply driver information regarding a driver's identity on 5 November 2019

• Assault by beating of an emergency worker on 13 April 2020

• Dangerous driving

The Panel found Leanne Gray’s current fitness to practise was impaired and imposed a Removal Order which means she can no longer work in any regulated social care role in Wales and will be placed on the persons removed list.

Leanne Gray has the right of appeal to the Care Standards Tribunal within 28 days.

A copy of the panel’s full reasons are available on request.


Media- please contact: communications@socialcare.wales

Public- please contact: hearings@socialcare.wales

Summary of allegations

It is alleged that Ms Gray failed to disclose information in her application for and during her registration with Social Care Wales. It is also alleged that Ms Gray failed to maintain an appropriate professional boundary with a family member of a user of care and support